New lens for driving - EnRoute

We are often asked for lenses which will help with driving vision - now we have an answer.

Driving is one of the most important activities in our daily lives according to data collected by Hoya. It is also very demanding on our visual system. Our eyes are processing huge amounts of visual data and shifting viewing focus quickly and often. Then add weather conditions, rain and sunlight. Driving in low light or at night is also challenging for many people. It is easy to be distracted by bright lights and glare. The increased luminance of modern LED and Xenon headlights is especially dazzling. Depth perception, the ability to distinguish colour and peripheral vision are all decreased. The blue light emitted by on-board equipment adds more challenge. It is estimated 90% of a driver’s reaction time depends on vision, so how can we improve this?

EnRoute lenses have a glare filter, as well as contrast-enhancing technology. This minimises stress on the visual system for a more relaxed driving experience. Some of the noticeable improvements are:

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  • Significantly reduced reflections and uncomfortable glare from oncoming traffic

  • Improved contrast and brightness perception in low-light conditions, fog and rain

  • Clear, unimpaired vision in the far distance, the dashboard, and mirrors

These lenses are perfect for everyday, or can be a dedicated driving lens. The lenses are available in single vision prescription, and also in progressives. Ask us how these lenses could help you.