Lubricant Eye Drops

Lubricant drops can be very soothing for a dry and/or inflamed eye. Make friends with lubricant drops if they make your eyes feel better, you cannot over use them.

Drop formulations are designed to mimic layers in the natural tear film which protect the surface of the eye; the aqueous layer (which is secreted from the lacrimal gland), and the oily layer (created in the meibomian glands). You can watch the start of this video to see how the tear film is created.

Drops which help Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye (ADDE)

These drops replenish the aqueous tear film.

Refresh Plus | Evolve | Systane Ultra | Systane Hydration | Threa Tears | Hylo-Fresh | Hylo-Forte

Drops which help Evaporative Dry Eye (EDE)

These drops help rebuild the oily layer.

Nova | Systane Complete

Consider preservative free

Less preservative on the surface of the eye is going to be preferable where possible.

There are two options. First are multidose bottles, which have an air lock protecting the drops. Evolve, Hylo-forte, and Hylo-fresh are multidose. Second option is minims, small vials containing 6-8 drops per unit, designed to be used same day. Most of these can be re-capped in between use. Systane Ultra, Systand Hydration, Nova tears, Thera Tear and many other come packed this way

If you need advice about drys eyes, contact us for a consultation. To purchase products visit us in person or shop online.