
Allergy is the excessive or inappropriate reaction of your immune system to a foreign material (allergen) eg: pollen, animal dander / fur, dust mites. This results in results in the redness, swelling and itching, and eye watering. Rubbing the affected area releases more histamine, resulting in more itch. 

To manage your allergy symptoms, follow these steps: 

1. DO NOT RUB your eyes. 

2. Try to identify the allergen so you can avoid further exposure. Use wrap-around sunglasses, close car vents to avoid the allergen and reduce dry eye. 

3. Use cold compresses at least twice a day. 

4. Lubricate eye with preservative free drops regularly (1-2 hoursly). We recommend Theratears, Systane or Hylofresh drops. Keeping drops in the fridge can help. 

5. If symptoms continue anti-allergy eye drops may be appropriate. We stock over the counter treatments, and can see you for an eye examination for prescription remedies.

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